Law Offices of Dan A. Atkerson

Do I Have a Workplace Retaliation Case?

Jun 16, 2023 @ 10:00 AM — by Dan Atkerson
Tagged with: Workplace Retaliation

State and federal laws provide employees with numerous protections, including the right to work in a safe environment free of discriminatory conduct or harassment. When employees report illegal or discriminatory actions, laws provide further protection. Workplace retaliation for reporting illegal activities or using employee benefits (sick leave, FMLA leave, etc.) is unlawful.

Despite employment laws, workplace retaliation occurs at an alarming rate. Individuals in Allen, TX, Plano, TX, and Frisco, TX, who have been mistreated, terminated, or otherwise punished as an act of retaliation can work with attorney Dan A. Atkerson to determine if they have a workplace retaliation case. If so, their employer may be liable for emotional and financial damages related to the retaliation.

Workplace Retaliation and Employee Protection

Workplace retaliation laws are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). The laws protect employees from retaliation related to discrimination, whistleblowing (reporting illegal activity), and other job-protected activities. Workers protected from retaliation include those who:

Examples of Workplace Retaliation

Workplace retaliation can occur in many different ways. The law defines workplace retaliation as any act that causes an employee to lose pay or miss opportunities for advancement. Common examples of workplace retaliation include:

Do I Have a Case?

If you have participated in one of the actions protected under employment laws and have faced negative consequences from an employer, you likely have a workplace retaliation case. A knowledgeable employment law attorney, such as Dan A. Atkerson, can review the details of your situation and advise you of your legal options.

Damages in a Workplace Retaliation Case

Victims of workplace retaliation can hold employers accountable for emotional and financial damages related to the retaliation. Depending on how an employee is retaliated against and the type of losses they suffer, awarded damages in a workplace retaliation case may include compensation for:

Get In Touch

If you were fired, demoted, or otherwise punished for reporting an employer’s illegal or discriminatory actions, you likely have grounds to file a workplace retaliation case. To learn more about your legal options and the compensation you may be due, send our law firm a message and request a consultation with attorney Dan A. Atkerson at your earliest convenience.