Law Offices of Dan A. Atkerson

Experiment Reveals How Women Are Harassed in the Workplace

Mar 22, 2017 @ 01:00 PM — by Dan Atkerson
Tagged with: Equality Harassment Womensrights

A former worker at an employment service firm recently tweeted details of an accidental experiment he carried out with one of his coworkers. In the last week, the tweets have gone viral online as an example of how women are harmed by workplace sexism.

The experiment involved the employee swapping email signatures with one of his female colleagues. According to the employee, his boss had complained the female coworker spent too much time resolving issues for clients. In the past, he had no problems working with clients and matters were resolved quickly.

Everything changed when he accidently sent emails to clients using his female coworker’s email address. Instead of being treated respectfully, clients became rude and dismissive. He caught his mistake and went back to his email account to conduct further correspondence. The clients became positive and helpful again.

After being taken aback at what had transpired, the employee decided to switch emails with his female coworker for two weeks. During that time, clients became hostile and condescending. One asked if he was single. On the other hand, his female coworker had one of her most productive two weeks. Clients stopped questioning her every move.

Targeted with Workplace Sexism? You May Have Legal Options

Unfortunately, this story is not unique. Women are frequently targeted with sexist jokes or paid less than their male coworkers. Employers may give women fewer opportunities for advancement than men. Pregnant employees sometimes lose their jobs. However, these actions are against the law.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects women from workplace discrimination. Texas Labor code also protects female workers. Depending on the circumstances, women may be able to file lawsuits for damages. A labor law attorney can help women explore possible legal options.